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Wikipedia:WikiProject Trains/ICC valuations/Winona Bridge Railway

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The property owned by Winona Bridge Railway Company, herein called the carrier, consists of a railroad bridge, and approaches thereto, across the Mississippi River between Winona, Minn., and East Winona, Wis. Its tracks extend from a connection with the Burlington at Winona to a connection with the same railroad at East Winona, 1.030 miles. The carrier also owns 0.062 mile of yard tracks and sidings, or 1.092 miles of all tracks. This mileage is shown distributed by States in Appendix 1. The carrier operates no trains, but grants trackage rights on a toll basis to the Burlington and the Green Bay & Western Railroad Company.


The carrier is a corporation of the State of Minnesota, having its principal office at Winona, Minn. It is controlled by the Burlington, through ownership of a majority of the outstanding capital stock. The remainder of the capital stock is owned by the Green Bay & Western Railroad Company. The property was operated by the carrier's own organization from the date of completion, July 14, 1891, to December 31, 1917. On January 1, 1918, the common-carrier property of the carrier was taken over for operation by the United States Railroad Administration and is so operated on date of valuation.


The carrier was incorporated July 14, 1890, for a period of 50 years from July 10, 1890, under the general laws of the State of Minnesota, for the purpose of constructing a railway bridge across the Mississippi River at Winona, Miss.


Construction of the property owned by the carrier was commenced in July, 1890, and was completed and the property placed in operation on July 14, 1891. The construction of the bridge was under contract with the Union Bridge Company of New York. The remainder of the work was done under the general supervision of the forces of the carrier.