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Wikipedia:Dispute resolution volunteer survey/Survey questions

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This page contains the list of survey questions used in the Dispute resolution volunteer survey.

Note: This survey was deployed with skip logic[1] . Participants were only asked certain questions if they had given a particular answer to previous questions. For example, a participant might only be asked Why do you participate more now than you did before? (Q10) if they had answered "More" to Q9. If a question uses skip logic, the criteria for displaying that question are listed directly beneath the question.

Dispute Resolution Volunteer Survey[edit]

Intro. Hi there. I'm Steven Zhang, a Community Fellow with the Wikimedia Foundation researching and working on ways to improve dispute resolution on the English Wikipedia. In April, I ran a survey targeted at editors who had participated in dispute resolution in any way. This survey is directed only at those who have been active at resolving disputes - you have listed yourself on a page somewhere as a dispute resolution volunteer, and I am keen to learn from your experiences and ideas to move forward. This survey may take you around 15 minutes, and you can come back and finish the survey later if need be. By answering these questions, you permit me to record your responses and agree to donate them to the public domain. This allows us to freely share your answers with others for the purpose of open analysis, research, and study. We will not share publicly your name, address, phone number, or email except as required by law. This commitment assumes you do not incorporate your personal information in response to a question that doesn't ask for it. If you have any questions about my work, you can email me and you can keep track of my work on the project page. Thanks for taking the time to do my survey. Steven Zhang

Q1. Gender

  • Male (1)
  • Female (2)
  • Prefer not to say (3)

Q2. Age

  • Under 18 (1)
  • 18-21 (2)
  • 22-29 (3)
  • 30-39 (4)
  • 40+ (5)

Q3. When did you begin regularly editing Wikipedia?

  • 2001 (1)
  • 2002 (2)
  • 2003 (3)
  • 2004 (4)
  • 2005 (5)
  • 2006 (6)
  • 2007 (7)
  • 2008 (8)
  • 2009 (9)
  • 2010 (10)
  • 2011 (11)
  • 2012 (12)

Q4. When did you first start volunteering with dispute resolution?

  • 2001 (1)
  • 2002 (2)
  • 2003 (3)
  • 2004 (4)
  • 2005 (5)
  • 2006 (6)
  • 2007 (7)
  • 2008 (8)
  • 2009 (9)
  • 2010 (10)
  • 2011 (11)
  • 2012 (12)

Q5. What made you decide to participate in resolving disputes?

Q6. In what nature did you first volunteer at dispute resolution?

  • I offered informal assistance on a talk page (1)
  • I responded to a third opinion request (2)
  • I left comments on a noticeboard (3)
  • I offered to mediate a dispute (4)
  • I was a party to an arbitration case (5)
  • Other (please specify): (6) ____________________

Q7. What made you choose this nature of dispute resolution for your first time?

Q8. Today, how often do you participate in resolving disputes?

  • Less than Once a Month (1)
  • Once a Month (2)
  • 2-3 Times a Month (3)
  • Once a Week (4)
  • 2-3 Times a Week (5)
  • Daily (6)

Q9. Think back to when you first started participating in dispute resolution. Do you participate in dispute resolution more, less, or about the same amount now?

  • More (1)
  • Less (2)
  • The Same (3)

Q10. Why do you participate more now than you did before?

Answer If Think back to when you first started participating in dis... More Is Selected

Q11. Why do you participate less now than you did before?

Answer If Think back to when you first started participating in dis... Less Is Selected

Q12. What forums do you participate in resolving disputes at (currently)

  • Talk page assistance (1)
  • Third Opinion (2)
  • Dispute Resolution Noticeboard (3)
  • Requests for Comment (4)
  • Formal Mediation (5)
  • Other Noticeboards (RSN, BLPN, ORN etc) (6)
  • Arbitration (7)

Q13. How effective do you feel volunteers are at resolving disputes at the below forums (1 is the most effective, 7 is the least effective)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Talk page assistance
Third opinion
Dispute Resolution Noticeboard
Requests for Comment
Formal Mediation
Other Noticeboards (RSN, BLPN, ORN etc)

Q14. How much time does it take to resolve a dispute? Compared to when you first started participating in DR, does it take more, less or about the same amount of time?

  • More (1)
  • Less (2)
  • The Same (3)

Q15. In your average dispute, what techniques do you use to resolve it?

Q16. Has the experience of participating in DR changed in the time that you have been active? If so, in what way has it changed?

Q17. What would make you participate more in resolving disputes?

Q18. What would make you participate less in resolving disputes?

Q19. Do you think the forums in which you participate have enough volunteers to handle the volume of dispute resolution requests?

  • Yes (1)
  • No (2)

Q20. Do you have any ideas on how we can recruit and retain more volunteers to help resolve disputes?

Q21. What ideas do you have to make dispute resolution overall more effective and efficient?

Q22. If you have any other thoughts, comments, feedback on dispute resolution in general, please let us know here

Q23. May we contact you to follow up on responses from the survey, or to participate in further research or projects regarding dispute resolution?

  • Yes (1)
  • No (2)

Q24. Could you please provide your on-wiki username in the below box (if you don't want to, please leave blank)

Answer If May we contact you to follow up on responses from the sur... Yes Is Selected

Q25. Could you please provide your email address in the below box (if you don't want to, please leave blank)

Answer If May we contact you to follow up on responses from the sur... Yes Is Selected
