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User talk:HersfoldBot/Editnotice

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You are about to edit the talk page of HersfoldBot, an automated account. Editing this page will cause the bot to stop working. If this is your intention, please be sure to explain why you are shutting down the bot in your comment, or leave a more detailed note for the operator on his talk page.

If you do not want to shut off the bot, then please do not edit this page. Questions or comments related to the bot can be made at User talk:Hersfold, or you may send an email through Special:Emailuser/Hersfold.

For security reasons, this page has been semi-protected to prevent editing by new or unregistered users. If you feel the bot needs to be shut off but cannot edit this page, please leave a note at WP:ANI so that someone else can shut it down.

Thank you for your understanding!