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GIF shamelessly copied from Chrissymad.

About the Statistics Page[edit]

This page is a list of statistics which represent my editing history and my current projects. I will have a list of currently open discussions on this page for my own reference (as such discussions are opened) as well as a 90-day view of my current page views. This page is primarily intended for my own personal use as well as any patrolling administrators or reviewers (to make their job a little easier).

User Edit Conflicts[edit]

Other potential issues marked in closed discussion boxes on my talk page and preserved from archival.
Date Other Users Involved Summary Link(s) to Relevant Diff Log(s) Link(s) to Relevant Discussion(s) Assigned Involved Wikipedia Policies Status
05.09.2018 User_talk:JFarmsJD8295 I removed talk page content in the mistaken belief that warnings were not supposed to be deleted by a talk page user. diff disc User:ZfJames WP:DRC Agree
Responded at the appropriate venue.
09.15.2017 User talk:D4R1U5 Content I added in my first edit to Wikipedia was removed and I was given a single-issue warning for vandalism. diff1
disc deleted—showing diff
arrow Reverted
no No action

User Special Requests[edit]

Date Responded Date Summary Link(s) to Relevant Log(s) Response Respondent Status
04.24.2018 04.25.2018 Requested Pending Changes Reviewer permission right. log Most of your recent reverts look good, but you've really only been editing for three weeks; I don't really think that's enough to satisfy the "routinely edit" part of the guideline. It's just not enough history to judge your track record. It's clear your understanding of policy has increased dramatically in those three weeks, so if you keep up what you're doing, I'd have no problem granting this in 3-4 weeks. User:Amorymeltzer Rejected

Graphs of User Page Views[edit]

Page Views
User talk:ZfJames

User Edit Statistics[edit]

Here are some basic statistics about my editing habits and activity on Wikipedia::

Name of Statistic Statistic
Number of Edits
Number of Live Edits
1,420 (97.9%)
Number of User Talk Pages Created
Number of Vandalism Reverts
460 (approximate)

Last Updated: 06.13.18; vandalism revert statistic achieved by searching for number of instances of (diff | hist) at this search page; full statistics available at: xtools

Current Projects[edit]

Project Name Description Start Date Estimated Completion Date Link
Josh Clark Looking at proposed deletion or tagging.
Josh Clark
Haiti Caves Redirect Project Seeking to merge redundant article with content already featured elsewhere.
  checkY Merger complete.
Reverting Vandalism Continuously fighting against the forces of unprofessional editors...
recent changes

Other Statistics[edit]

A list of important yet somewhat diverse statistics I keep for my own use (work in progress):
An interesting resource to watch Wikipedia activity: hatnote listening tool
Here is the size of the English Wikipedia assuming that it all was contained in books. See the template page for more information.

3486 volumes
18 stacks

Service award progress error: The edits parameter is required.