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Mandatory minimum sentences (MMS) brings the benefit of reducing the number of offenders on the streets but has the disadvantage of denying judicial discretion and being unfair, especially to members of minority communities. MMS is significantly counterproductive, creating the opposite effect of what it was designed to do, thus lacking benefit in the society. It limits the security of the family and the family structure, especially for minority populations. It also destabilizes the community as well as its economy and decreases public safety. Finally, it advances the spread of social issues such as racism.

To counter the far-reaching consequences of MMS, the public could first gain awareness of its actual cost on the nation. The implications of MMS are extensive and considerably slow down the nation's progress. Secondly, lawmakers could be compelled towards changing this policy and finally, the public could conceive and present alternatives to the MMS policy which would show greater effectiveness in combating the occurrence of crimes. MMS was intended to bring equality to the judicial system. However, it is now evident that it considerably enables discrimination to be practiced. Therefore, it is paramount that a better correctional alternative is adopted that will have more positive effects on the fight against crime.