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Hiiii. My name is Sicona and I go to Urbana high school. It is an okay school, but it has its fair share of problems. One of the things that is unquice about me is the fact that I'm a satanist. Not really. But I have a few friends that are and we have this saying. It is: Got Matches???? It may not seem funny for people who are christan and everything, but it is who I am. Up date. I am getting in trouble for my Boyfriend tickling me and my natrual responce is to hit him. Well, the prinicpal saw it and I will be getting trouble for. I am going to Washington D.C in a few days and it better not reuin my chances.

I have problems with people who say that they know who Brittany was and that they were best friends. Brittany was a great person and we all are sorry that we lost her. we will all miss her badly and hope that she is in a better place. We all feel a loss for her and will all miss her very much. Ihate it when people say that they were friends with her and the truth is that she hated them. I hope that people will relize that she is gone and can't defend herself from all the names you are calling her. It is very wrong to talk about someone who is dead!!!!!

I hope that the peope that are talking bad about her get what is coming to them. It is wrong and very disturbing. You can find a memorial video of her on youtube.com! It was made by a friend of hers and a song by Agril Livene. It is very wrong to pick on someone who can't defend herslf. As I said earlier, it is very mean and wrong.