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User:Roderick MacPhee

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A loser who apparently knows more about Grimm's conjecture, twin prime conjecture, Goldbach's conjecture, Collatz conjecture, Legendre's conjecture, and more.

Collatz Conjecture[edit]

A sequence of form follows the same iteration pathway through the Collatz function that has until gets used up as the lead coefficient.

Legendre's conjecture[edit]

Legendre's conjecture, states there is always a prime between and . This is the same as saying that for any Has a prime between itself and

Goldbach's conjecture[edit]

Goldbach's conjecture is p+q=2n has solution where p,q are primes. You can also state it, as all composites are the arithmetic mean, of 4 not necessarily distinct semiprimes. Either (p,2n-p) is a pair that works or distances n,-n congruent modulo p can be ruled out.

Grimm's Conjecture[edit]

Grimm's conjecture is: a set of composite numbers, has a bijective mapping for prime divisors. This only works if the nth prime gap, is less than n.

Twin prime conjecture[edit]

The twin prime conjecture is that there infinitely many twin prime pairs (pairs of primes that differ by 2). Because:

and as well as we can say natural numbers not of these forms must exist or twin prime conjecture would be false.