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JavaScript gadget – toggle all branches of all CategoryTree elements in current page.


  • If your project has registered this as a gadget, just activate on your Preferences page.
  • Otherwise include the following line into your common.js, global.js etc.:
mw.loader.load( "https://en.luquay.com/w/index.php?title=User:PerfektesChaos/js/catTreeToggling/r.js&action=raw&maxage=86400&ctype=text/javascript" );

If you want to avoid unnecessary JavaScript execution you may limit loading to category pages only:

if ( mw.config.get( "wgNamespaceNumber" ) === 14 ) {
   mw.loader.load( "https://en.luquay.com/w/index.php?title=User:PerfektesChaos/js/catTreeToggling/r.js&action=raw&maxage=86400&ctype=text/javascript" );

Please note that there is also Special:CategoryTree which is excluded by this rule as well.


Every CategoryTree can be expanded at various stages, or collapsed interactively.

  • If you loose track, you may want to close all trees immediately since you have opened too many.
  • If you want to explore sub-categories, it may be helpful to open all (first) sub-categories at once.

On pages with a CategoryTree element and activated catTreeToggling the toolbox will appear in the upper right corner (as demonstrated on this page). Just click a triangle.

arrow downwards Open all currently visible branches (expand).

The next sub-category level of each branch will be expanded. If that one has been expanded somewhen before, it will expand its children.

arrow upwards Collapse all currently visible branches.

All visible sub-category levels will be collapsed as well. On reopening, they start collapsed.


A translation of this page may be offered.


Source code
Namespaces all
Actions view edit submit
mw.libs catTreeToggling (reserved, but currently unused)
  • catTreeToggling.ready
    When code has been loaded.
    Tells implementation metadata.
MediaWiki MW 1.22
JavaScript 1.5 (2000)