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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hello friends, I am PPuis and I am active in the English Wikipedia for 10 months now. I am German and therefore often work in the German Wikipedia also under the nickname "PPuis".

  1. If you have questions, wishes or criticism to me, you can leave me a message on my page.
  2. I speak good English as well as Italenisch and French.
  3. My discussion page is for asking me info or questions. Did I/we do something wrong? I would love to get feedback. Thank you very much!

On the right side you see my rabbit Jonny. He lives together with me in Germany, more precisely in the state capital Stuttgart. This is the official user page of me, if you don't see this page under the official domain:User:PPuis, it is not the real one!

Thank you for the fact that the knowledge project "Wikipedia" exists worldwide in several languages. Many thanks to the founders, including Jimmy Donal Wales.


"Intellectual frowth should commence at birth and cease only at death." - Albert Einstein"

Page created and is current on July 16 in the year 2022. The time is just 11:15 (MESZ). I say goodbye with kind regards --- PPuis :)