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IHLIA's reading room at the 6th floor of the Pubic Library at Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Sizeover 100,000 titles, including books, journals, films, posters, objects and archives from individuals and organisations
Other information
DirectorLonneke van den Hoonaard

IHLIA LGBT Heritage, formerly known as International Homo/Lesbian Information center and Archive (IHLIA), is an international archive and documentation center on homosexuality, bisexuality and transgender. It collects, preserves and presents to the public all kinds of information in the field of LGBT. IHLIA curates the largest LGBT collection of Europe with over 100,000 titles on 1515 meters of shelf length - books, journals and magazines, films, documentaries, posters, photographs and objects such as T-shirts, buttons and condom packaging. IHLIA was founded in 1999 by merging the Homodok (documentation on homosexuality of the University of Amsterdam) and the Lesbian Archives of Amsterdam and Leeuwarden. Since 2007, IHLIA is located in the Public Library Amsterdam.

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