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User:Joshuaegan/Naked Travel

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Naked Travel is a form of travel, in which a participant willingly embodies the naked cause. Naked travel participants may choose to travel in a naked fashion to any destination of their choosing.

Naked Travel sometimes refers to the form of travel in which participants wish to interact with foreign destinations in a real, authentic, and pure way. In this definition of Naked Travel, the travel experience is not dressed up with artificial ornamentation for the benefit of involved participants or the tourism industry, but rather aims toward providing an experience most similar to the real life situation of people living in that geographical location. Naked Travel facilitates efforts that have been put toward the achievement of mutual understanding between different peoples and cultures. Participants, who engage in this form of travel, are often times open-minded, responsible, respectful, and conscious of all that surround them.

Naked Travel may also refer to the form of travel in which participants do not wear any clothing. Participants may choose to travel in the nude form by any mode of transportation, or participants may choose to wear clothing until arriving at their final destination. If a participant is using public transportation as a means of traversing, it is likely that this participant will remain clothed until reaching their final destination so as to not break any public laws regarding exposure or nudity. If a naked travel participant is involved in a private tour group, which promotes the acceptance of nudity, then he/she may have the opportunity to travel without the use of clothing and remain nude until his/her arrival and throughout his or her stay at the destination.


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