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Welcome! I am all ears, even to constructive criticism. I am not perfect! Are You??

Leave a messages. I will answer and/ or respond in a timely manner.

Peace! Firstmm5 (talk) 01:00, 24 February 2013 (UTC)

For the record, the term, perpetual motion, has about as much meaning as the detractors of 'Free Energy' devices want it to have. In other words, it is very convenient to create a term, give it a pseudo definition, and then use that term to accomplish a specific goal. The goal is to lump all failed devices and experiments into a general category, and then use that, to label, and disprove all future endeavors on the subject. An example would be: "women cannot vote because they are stupid and uneducated." The claim that 'all' women are stupid is without foundation. Therefore it cannot be used as proof or reasoning behind a determination. Likewise the claim that, "all perpetual motion machines are failures, trickery, fraudulent, or developed by charlatans, is without sufficient merit, and proof. So, to say that all perpetual motion devices, past, present, and future, are worthy of a derogatory label, and the stigma associated to them, is pretentious, as well as wrong.

The following is a representative attitude of all who claim to be in the know. Even when the qualifications, to be in the know, are not met. In other words, to make general and grandiose claims about a topic, as criticism, as if it is the final word, shows the highest form of egocentricity, and self absorption. The motives are clear: to bring attention to one's self. It is done by criticizing what one does not fully understand, as well as criticizing those individuals, whom they have never met, or even know.

"There is something lamentable, degrading, and almost insane in pursuing the visionary schemes of past ages with dogged determination, in paths of learning which have been investigated by superior minds, and with which such adventurous persons are totally unacquainted. The history of Perpetual Motion is a history of the fool-hardiness of either half-learned, or totally ignorant persons." Henry Dircks, Perpetuum Mobile: Or, A History of the Search for Self-motive (1861)

What has this man contributed to science?? Nothing. Yet he claims to be the last word on the subject of Perpetual Motion. He will eventually go down in history with the believers in a flat world, as being wrong.

Firstmm5 (talk) 12:17, 28 February 2013 (UTC)