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AndySocial runs a number of websites, personal and nonprofit. An obvious pseudonym, it still amazes Andy when people don't get the joke. Strangely, his real name is not Andy, and discussing himself in the third person gets old.

AndySocial has been a computer user since 1980, with a Commodore Vic-20. The C-64 soon followed, but with Commodore's complete lack of a business model, the slow slide into Wintel land was nearly inevitable. AndySocial does continue to play with alternatives, and even used Linux as his only home OS for a year before moving to WiFi networking and that lack of Linux drivers. He built his family a DVR based on MythTV and is the envy of all his geek friends. His living room now has two terabytes of storage space, and there are plans to increase that to at least five terabytes by the end of the decade.