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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
deDieser Benutzer spricht Deutsch als Muttersprache.
en-3This user can contribute with an advanced level of English.
fr-2Cet utilisateur peut contribuer avec un niveau intermédiaire en français.

My name is Andreas Neubauer, I joined Wikipedia in 2009. My interests are mainly in the fields of politics and society, geo science and automotive electronics. In the 90s, I did a degree in geography and political science. Since I left university, I am working for Vector.


Why am I a Wikipedia author?[edit]

Good question... Starting in 2000 (Wikipedia didn't exist in those days), I ran the link site netpedia.de in my spare time because I wanted to have a like a tree-structured order of things I found on the web. Then the fascinating Wikipedia project came up, and I wasn't happy with the amorphous structure from the beginning. When I add knowledge items to my brain, I need to anchor it in a hierarchy context to get permanent storage. Unfortunately, I always had too little time to re-google the dead links that accumulated, so I gave up netpedia.de and the sister site geopedia.de. The topic of link correction here in Wikipedia is still on my agenda, but I have to little time to do the required research. Contributing textual to Wikipedia has become increasingly hard as all topics I have knowledge about already have good pages.