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Template:WPMILHIST Announcements/Classical warfare

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Attention needed
...to referencing and citation  • ...to coverage and accuracy  • ...to structure  • ...to grammar  • ...to supporting materials 
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Cleanup needed
Military history of GreeceVetranio
Requested articles
Scytho-Cimmerian invasions of Caucasus and the Ancient Near EastGermanic invasions of the Iberian PeninsulaBattle of TheodosiaSecond Cretan WarHeruli raid on Greece (267 AD)EpilektoiAntony's Armenian campaignFirst Battle of AdamclisiEgyptian campaign (460 BC) (currently a redirect) • Third Messenian War (currently a redirect)
Expansion needed
Military history of ancient GreecePsiloiFirst Battle of LamiaSecond Battle of LamiaPublius Licinius CrassusBattle of CorbioneStauriciusFirst Battle of TapaeSecond Battle of TapaeSecond Battle of AdamclisiLicinius IIFortifications of Mycenae
Images needed
Marcus Statius PriscusQuintus Antistius AdventusCaerellius Priscus
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Citations needed
Gnaeus Julius Agricola
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