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Draft:Mateusz Grzesiak

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Mateusz Grzesiak (born 3 April 1980)[1] is a Polish business consultant, psychologist, academic lecturer, entrepreneur and media personality. Author of books in the fields of psychology, management and marketing.


Graduate of Law Faculty at University of Warsaw and Faculty of Psychology at SWPS University.[2] He also holds PhD in management from Warsaw School of Economics, PhD in pedagogy from WSB University and PsyD in psychology from California Southern University.[3]


Since 2003 he remains professionally active in the field of personal development and business consulting. Author of the social competences integrated model.[4]

He works as an assistant professor at the Department of Management at WSB University.[5] He is an author and co-author of books, chapters and scientific articles from the field of psychology, marketing, schema therapy, leadership and social competencies.

In 2019 he received the Medal of the Commission for National Education.[6] In 2021 he was awarded by the President of the Republic of Poland with Bronze Cross of Merit.[7]

Regular guest on various TV and radio programs broadcast mainly in Poland, yet also abroad.[8] He was labelled by certain media as the most popular personal development coach in Poland.[9]


Title Year Language
Ty myśl. Inaczej inni zrobią to za ciebie... (Think. Otherwise others will do it instead of you...) 2007 Polish
AlphaFemale 2009 Polish
Wyjątkowy Nauczyciel. Szkolenia XXI wieku (Exceptional Teacher. Courses of the XXI century) 2009 Polish
AlphaHuman 2010 Polish
Ego-rcyzmy (Egorcisms) 2012 Polish
Success and Change 2014 Polish
100 happy days, czyli jak się robi szczęście w 100 dni (100 Happy Days, or how to create happiness in 100 days) 2015 Polish
Psychologia relacji, czyli Jak budować świadome związki z partnerem, dziećmi i rodzicami (The Psychology of Relationships, or how to build conscious relationships with your partner, children, and parents) 2016 Polish
Psychologia Sprzedaży – droga do sprawczości, niezależności i pieniędzy (Psychology of Sales – a path to the agency, independence and money) 2016 Polish
Psychologia Zmiany – najskuteczniejsze narzędzia pracy z ludzkimi emocjami, zachowaniami i myśleniem (Psychology of Change - the most effective tools for working with human emotions, behaviour and thinking) 2016 Polish
Psychologia Nauczania – czyli jak skutecznie prowadzić szkolenia, zarządzać grupami i występować przed publicznością (Psychology of Teaching. How to effectively conduct courses, manage groups and perform in front of an audience) 2017 Polish
Psychologia Hejtu, czyli jak radzić sobie z krytyką w życiu osobistym i zawodowymi (Psychology of Hate. How to deal with criticism in personal and professional life) 2017 Polish
Personal Brand Creation in the Digital Age: Theory, Research and Practice 2018 English
Podręcznik perswazji. Najskuteczniejsze metody przekonywania innych i świadomej ochrony przed manipulacją (Textbook of Persuasion. Most effective methods of convincing others and conscious protection from manipulation) 2018 Polish
Fast Languages 2019 Polish
Personal branding, czyli jak skutecznie zbudować autentyczną markę osobistą (Personal branding. How to effectively create your personal brand) 2019 Polish
M̶Twoja (R)ewolucja, czyli jak się zmienić, by osiągnąć sukces osobisty i zawodowy (Your (R)evolution. How to effectively change yourself to achieve personal and professional success) 2019 Polish
Anioły i Demony (Angels and Demons) 2019 Polish
Pewność Siebie - Jak być asertywnym, pokonać lęk i sięgnąć po swoje (Self-confidence. How to be assertive, overcome fear and reach your goals) 2020 Polish
Marka osobista w kształtowaniu kariery zawodowej kadry menedżerskiej (Personal brand in the carrier creation for management) 2020 Polish
Bądź skuteczny. 50 narzędzi rozwijających efektywność osobistą i zawodową (Be effective. 50 tools developing personal and professional effectiveness) 2021 Polish
Leadership and Narcissism in the Organization 2022 English
Kalendarz Create Yourself 2024 2024 Polish

Private life[edit]

Married to Dr. Iliana Ramirez, therapist and scientist, with whom they have two daughters, Adriana and Natalia.


  1. ^ "Mateusz Grzesiak - Biografia". ksiazki.wp.pl. 28 August 2013. Retrieved 4 April 2023.
  2. ^ "Mateusz Grzesiak: Czasy fejków". Agencja Informacyjna. 27 April 2022. Retrieved 21 March 2023.
  3. ^ "DR MATEUSZ GRZESIAK". Polskie Towarzystwo Ekonomiczne. Retrieved 21 March 2023.
  4. ^ "Diamenty Forbesa 2020". Forbes. Retrieved 26 October 2023.
  5. ^ "Dr Mateusz Grzesiak o pracy, rodzinie oraz współpracy z Akademią WSB w pulsHR.pl". WSB Academy. Retrieved 21 March 2023.
  6. ^ "Odpowiednie studia MBA to wiedza, relacje i rozwój". Tygrysy Biznesu. 26 September 2022. Retrieved 21 March 2023.
  7. ^ "Postanowienie Prezydenta Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej z dnia 6 października 2021 r" (PDF). sejm.gov.pl. Retrieved 21 March 2023.
  8. ^ "Mateusz Grzesiak". forumdavos.com. Retrieved 26 October 2023.
  9. ^ "Mateusz Grzesiak: jestem po to, żeby zmienić świat". Polskie Radio. Retrieved 31 August 2023.

Category:1980 births Category:Living people Category:Polish psychologists Category:Recipients of the Bronze Cross of Merit (Poland) Category:University of Warsaw alumni Category:SGH Warsaw School of Economics alumni Category:SWPS University alumni